VAM 145 | Interview with Cissy Jones, Part 3

Welcome to episode 145 of the Voice Acting Mastery podcast with yours truly, Crispin Freeman!

As always, you can listen to the podcast using the player above, or download the mp3 using the link at the bottom of this blog post. The podcast is also available via the iTunes Store online. Just follow this link to view the podcast in iTunes:

Welcome to the second part of my interview with the award-winning voice actress, Cissy Jones! You may be familiar with her voice acting work on games like The Walking Dead, Life is Strange, Where the Water Tastes Like Wine, and Firewatch where she won a BAFTA award for her performance as Delilah! Cissy also works extensively in commercials and trailers.

In the previous episode, we discussed what inspired Cissy to become a voice actress in the first place! While she had always loved cartoons, she also found herself fascinated by every aspect of voice over and she fell in love with the voice over world. That passion inspired her to study as much as she could in order to improve her skills! Cissy and I also talked about what it was like for her to work on the game Firewatch and what she learned from her co-star, Madmen actor Rich Sommer.

As we draw our conversation to a close, I ask Cissy what advice she has for aspiring voice actors. I think you’ll find that what she has to say is very grounded and practical! She also speaks about how winning a BAFTA award affected her career. You may be surprised by her answer!

Download Voice Acting Mastery Episode #145 Here (MP3)


2 Responses to “VAM 145 | Interview with Cissy Jones, Part 3”

  1. Alan Kurtz says:

    Greetings, first off again I love the Podcast. I find myself moving through them slowly as they are filled with great information. The interviews with Steve Blum are the ones I can’t stop listening to.

    I did have a question I haven’t yet found answered in the Podcasts and thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask.

    You have done a lot of work in Anime and I know from hearing on the Podcast The Fanitarium, Anime was what helped inspire you to become an actor. I was wondering where I could go to study how Dubbing works on a technical level?

    For example, Funimation is one of the big names on dubbing, but they also work with Ocean Productions to get voices in Vancouver right? How exactly does that work and if you wanted to do dubbing, could you live in Vancouver instead of Texas? Even deeper, how does Dubbing work?

    I have read Voice Over Voice Actor over and over and they go over how Dubbing works, but I have yet to find out how to learn the technical side along with the acting side. How do you learn timing and matching your words to a mouth that was originally in Japanese?

    I know a lot of these answers are probably something I’d need to take specific classes on, but until I can afford them I was hoping you or another listener might know a good place to begin to teach myself.

    Thank you for your time and I do apologise for this being so wordy. I rewrote it a few times trying to convey the questions so have properly.

  2. The stuff about passion being crucial for drive is so spot on for me.

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