VAM 049 | Interview with Steve Blum, Part 4

Welcome to episode 49 of the Voice Acting Mastery podcast with yours truly, Crispin Freeman!

As always, you can listen to the podcast using the player above, or download the mp3 using the link at the bottom of this blog post. The podcast is also available via the iTunes Store online. Just follow this link to view the podcast in iTunes:

Welcome to the fourth and final part of my interview with Steve Blum. In this bonus episode, Steve and I go beyond simple mindset advice about voice acting as the two of us discuss the deep, mystical magic behind what it takes to be truly successful as an artist. Steve shares with me some of his more spiritual views on voice acting and how the universe reflects back to you the thoughts and emotions that you project. During the interview, I started us down this path of discussion by recounting one of my favorite scenes from the famous swashbuckling adventure film, the Seahawk, starring Errol Flynn. You’ll hear me describe the scene to Steve as a powerful metaphor for trusting in one’s inspiration to find your own way to happiness and success. I think you’ll find it very enlightening.

If you’d like to learn more about Steve, please visit his website:

Thanks for listening!

Download Voice Acting Mastery Episode #49 Here (MP3)


41 Responses to “VAM 049 | Interview with Steve Blum, Part 4”

  1. Caitlin says:

    I loved the whole interview with Steve, it was great and insightful! He is an amazing voice actor and had his share of troubles in the business, just like everyone else. Meditation seems very helpful too, thinking about starting that now.

    I have a question about the newsletters. For some reason the last two came, but when I clicked to open them, they were blank. I don’t know if that’s something wrong on my end or not… Just wondering if you knew or if anyone else was having the same problem.

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      I’m glad you liked the interview.

      As far as the newsletters, I’m sorry to hear that they’ve come through blank. I’ve been receiving them fine on my end. Does your e-mail client block images? That may account for why things aren’t showing up.

      If you’d like, you can e-mail me directly using the contact page and I can forward you the older newsletters. Hope that helps.

      • James 'StarRunner' Rolls says:

        Actually, I noticed the same thing too. I had been using Hotmail before it switched to Outlook. The blank newsletters happened about the same time.

        • Crispin Freeman says:

          Does hotmail block images in e-mails? That may account for the blank newsletters. I am subscribed to them myself to make sure they go out okay and I receive them fine on my mail server.

          • James 'StarRunner' Rolls says:

            Hotmail didn’t block images before. It seems the moment things switched to Outlook, I’ve been having trouble.

      • Caitlin says:

        If James is right about Hotmail having the problem then would having the newsletters switched to my other email account on Google be better? I don’t want you to go through all the trouble to send them and have them be blank again. I even checked my older newsletters of yours that I saved and they too are blank…

        • Crispin Freeman says:

          I’m not sure what to say. I’ve checked my old ones and they load just fine. If you’re using a web-based e-mail client, maybe the client is blocking, the service I use to send out my newsletters. The only suggestion I have is to see if your client is blocking images which is keeping the newsletters from loading.

          I’m happy to forward you an old newsletter to test your system.

          • Michael says:

            I think I may recall that some of my fellow students in my school said that the website and it’s company shut down due to the popularity of google or g-mail and yahoo or Maybe that’s why your hotmail has been giving you blank images from Crispin Freeman’s newsletters because the hotmail website is not available to certain e-mail users. I hope this helps your understanding and I was once a hotmail e-mail user but not anymore. 🙂

      • Michael okeke says:

        Thank you for the podcast was cool. I’m actually going to do more research on Steve Blum. Do u have anymore interviews of other professional voice actors ?

  2. Eric Rivera says:

    The universe does have a strange way of giving back. When I decided to become a voice actor, all of a sudden, things just came to me. I discovered this site, Yuri & Tara’s book, and all sorts of things were sent my way. Not only that but I feel great. I have a goal, a dream that everyday I can work towards. I finally have a fire in me that drives me. It’s an amazing feeling and it’s great fun.

    Thank you for your time and wisdom. And thanks to Steve as well.

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      You’re very welcome Eric! I’m so glad you’ve found your inspiration!

      • Eric Rivera says:

        Not everyone feels the same though. I just finished my Acting II class for this semester, and talk about a complete waste of time. I had to sit there and listen to the rest of the class make excuses for not wanting to get better at something they supposedly do. How do I deal with this, especially since I feel I just wasted an entire semester?

        • Crispin Freeman says:

          I’m sorry to hear that your acting class was not enjoyable. Are you saying that you never got to practice acting in class? I wouldn’t worry about what other people are doing, you can’t control them anyway. I would spend your time focusing on your own artistry. Did you not get to practice acting at all in class?

          • Eric Rivera says:

            I only got to do one monologue and one dialogue. We had workshops for each, but the only critique of use came from the professor.

          • Crispin Freeman says:

            That does seem a little low. I would think you would do more than just one monologue and one dialogue scene over the course of a semester, but I guess it depends on the size of the class. I think it’s good that the critique came from the professor. Often your fellow students may not be able to give useful critiques.

            Did you feel confident about your monologue and scene? Did you feel like working on them helped your acting process?

  3. Kalyn McCabe says:

    With the oars analogy, it could have been a matter of simple physics. Oars = more weight = the wind would have to blow harder to move the ship. But the metaphysical concept is captured. Got it.

    Steve Blum is such a delight to hear from in this podcast. His insights are deep and inspirational and a definite incredible source of wisdom. I admire him so much.

    Podcast #50 is next! What a long way we have come! Keep doing what you’re doing, Mr. Freeman. It’s going to be a great ride.

    Much love,
    ~ Kalyn

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      Thank you so much Kalyn! Who knew I’d be up to 50 episodes! It’s almost shocking!

      Thanks for being an avid listener!

  4. Meg says:

    Amazing story with Steve Blum ^_^ While Steve is talking about the mediatation, I tried to use some meditated myself especially yoga- It’s been alot of stress. But, it does really helped me when I’m alone. Right now, I have been alot of rough times lately as well because of my dad’s workaholic schedule and nobody gets me a ride to school and I have to missed couple of my classes- it really gave me alot anixety and depression – I tried to fixed it everything myself and I did told my dad how I feel about my goals and dreams that really makes me happy. Like Steve, I never been faith in God at all. I tried to pray how I feel, but it doesn’t work for me. About Universe, I did look at this beautiful website called ‘Shiny All the’ and look all of the posts about the universes and what love is- I really love it. Thank you so much for the podcast and I’m really looking forward to hear the next episode. Have a lovely day, Crispin 🙂

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      I’m glad you find the Shiny All the Time website helpful. My wife actually runs that website and she does her best to share her wonderful insights on the universe and practical shamanism. I think it’s pretty amazing stuff actually.

  5. Perry King says:

    That was a fascinating podcast interview with Mr.Steve Blum. Will there be more interview podcast’s with other interesting Anime voice actors?

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      Yes. The podcast will always alternate between educational episodes and interview episodes.

      I choose my interview subjects based on whether or not I think they have something unique and useful to share about the process of voice acting.

      Why do you ask? Is there a specific person you were thinking of and if so, what is it that you’d like to learn from them?

      • Perry King says:

        I really don’t know who to think of actually maybe somebody like Wendee Lee or somebody else in the Anime industry?

        • Crispin Freeman says:

          That’s sort of general. Is there someone specific you’d like to hear from because you think their journey to voice acting success might help you in your journey? You mentioned Wendee Lee. Is there a specific reason you’d like to hear from her? Is there something about her acting style or her personal journey that you want to know about?

          • Perry King says:

            I would like to listen to a podcast interview with Anime voice actress Stephanie Sheh & the reason I thought about this idea is because I want to know how she got into the voice acting industry and I think she can be aspiring to some future voice actors.

  6. Terance says:

    Excellent interview as always Crispin. It was very interesting to hear about Steve’s success and his trials and tribulations as well. I think every artist at some point has to come to terms with his/herself whether it be mentally or spiritually in order to grow as a person. At some point would it be possible for you to interview Liam O’Brien? I know you had a hand in starting his career and it would be fascinating to hear about his journey and the views you two share on voice acting.

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      That is certainly a possibility. I have another few interviews in the queue, but I’ll see what I can do about getting some time to chat with Liam.

  7. Madeleine Jayne says:

    Hey! Just heard this and it’s awesome. I love the spiritual aspect it’s really amazing and I use the law of attraction too! I really do love this and I would become a voice actress but I know I wouldn’t be any good at it.But I love to hear Steve’s stories it is enlightening and gives me hopes.

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      I’m glad you liked the spiritual aspect of this episode. If you use the law of attraction, then you know that if you say you won’t be any good at voice acting, the universe has no choice but to confirm your beliefs.

      If you’d really like to become a voice actress, you can’t tell yourself that you wouldn’t be any good at it. You have to believe that you can develop the skills to become a voice actress.

    • Madeleine Jayne says:

      I know it seems weird replying to myself but there’s some other stuff I want to say. Basically, I’m really glad you guys talked about the ego or the monkey mind and meditation because I’m always interested in that stuff. I was taught that as I grew up by my mum (She’s a master at all these kinds of thing). Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of time to meditate because of schoolwork and other stuff. However, since I live close to the forest, I can sometimes go out for walks and clear my mind.It’s also interesting because the ego is what is holding my mum down, worries of life plague her thoughts but I try to help her. This podcast made her very happy 🙂 thank you.

  8. Eric Rivera says:

    “Did you feel confident about your monologue and scene? Did you feel like working on them helped your acting process?”

    My monologue, yes. My dialogue scene was okay. It was good practice, I suppose. I didn’t really learn anything new. I just wish I could have done more. The professor said he wanted to focus on realistic acting, on being credible, being believable. I’m not sure if I’ve done that. I just did the one monologue and the one scene and then hear 13 other people give excuses.

  9. Michael says:

    This was an interesting podcast Mr. Freeman I actually thank you for this final interview with Mr. Blum. Especially with Mortal Kombat that I remember but that was a long… time ago. But Mr. Freeman since I’ll be taking Drama for my Junior year in high school. I was wondering if you can give me a few pointers or notes to help me. To tell you the truth I’m kind of nervous Sir. 🙁

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      I’m glad you enjoyed this final part of the interview!

      Congrats on signing up for your Drama class! I’m sure you’ll learn a lot.

      Funny you should mention being nervous, I did an entire episode about building confidence. Please take a listen to Episode 9: Building Confidence. I think you’ll find it useful.

      • Michael says:

        Thank you Mr. Freeman I appreciate your help I’ll listen to it right away Sir. One other thing do you a song called Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen by any chance? I’m sorry if this was off topic I just wanted to ask this question.

        • Crispin Freeman says:

          If you’re asking if I’m familiar with the song Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, the answer is yes. It is a very famous song.

          • Michael says:

            Yes I know especially from Queen and I couldn’t thank my mother enough to know these famous music artist. But at first I didn’t like the song when I was a kid because I thought it sounded boring. But since I became 16 I rediscovered this song in one of my favorite music video games like Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock. When I sang the song in the video game I was confused and didn’t like the “acting part” of Bohemian Rhapsody. Basically it creeped me the crap out and I didn’t expect that to happen in one of his songs.

  10. Michael says:

    Hello Mr. Freeman I listened to your Episode 9: Building Confidence podcast and it really helped me a lot with my confidence. I was so relieved to hear that podcast from you but to me I felt a gap and what I heard was about your past. So what interested me as I went scrolling about your podcasts I saw Episode 5 & 6: How I Broke Into Voice Acting, Part 1 & 2. Once I heard those two podcasts I just simply thought that it was adorable and that I understood where you were coming from. Actually I’m proud of you Mr. Freeman and me as well for having such a great voice acting teacher to help me learn my way into voice acting step by step. I thank you very much really. 🙂

  11. Matthew says:

    Mr Freeman,
    I thought I would ask about the equipment that you use. You suggest using a Avid Mbox Mini. Do you suggest using only that one or go up to the full size? Also, I think my equipment is alright to start out with but I thought I would ask your opinion on it. I’m using an Audio Technica AT2020 cardioid condenser microphone, a pop filter, Audacity, and a weighted microphone stand. Do you suggest taking it a step up to using an XLR microphone and some sort of Avid Mbox? Thank you.

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      I have found the MBox Mini to be perfect for me. I’ve been using them for as long as I can remember. I use the full ProTools version not the ProTools Express version but I need the added functionality. Most people voice acting from home don’t. For voice over, you don’t need more than 1 or 2 inputs so I find the larger MBoxes are just overkill. You only need more than 2 inputs if you’re recording music.

      The AT2020 is a great starter microphone. It is in the same league with the Blue Yeti and a little below the Shure PG-42USB.

      The single biggest way to upgrade your sound is to use a larger diaphragm microphone. While the AT2020 is a very nice condenser, the diaphragm is in the mid-sized range, not the true large diaphragm range. That is why I recommend the Shure PG-42USB because it’s a true large diaphragm condenser.

      The advantage of the Avid MBox Mini is that you get ProTools which gives you a lot more control over your recording settings. However, for many ProTools is far too sophisticated a program for their simple needs. But the MBox Mini does let you use normal, industry standard microphones.

      It really depends on how much you want to spend. I’d say the cheapest way to upgrade your sound is to get the Shure PG-42USB. If you want to get an industry standard microphone, then absolutely the Avid MBox Mini is a great way to do that. Then you’ll just have to decide which of the industry standard mics in the Toolbox section of this webpage might work for you. The cheapest condenser is the AKG 214. However, the Neumann TLM 103 shows up often in studios as a less expensive alternative to the Neumann U87. All these industry standard microphones do need an acoustically treated space to sound their best. If you don’t have an ideal recording environment, a dynamic microphone will suit you better, like the Sennheiser MD421. That’s why I use one when I travel. They just require a lot of power. I have to almost max out my MBox Mini to power my MD421.

      Hope that helps.

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