VAM 033 | Interview with Kimlinh Tran and Edward Bosco, Part 1

Welcome to episode 33 of the Voice Acting Mastery podcast with yours truly, Crispin Freeman!

As always, you can listen to the podcast using the player above, or download the mp3 using the link at the bottom of this blog post. The podcast is also available via the iTunes Store online. Just follow this link to view the podcast in iTunes:

For this episode, I’m honored to interview two of my former students, Kimlinh Tran and Edward Bosco. Even though they are relative newcomers to the voice acting world, you may be familiar with their work in an amazingly popular game that has just been released called Dust: An Elysian Tail. You can find it on the Xbox Live Arcade and it’s been getting fantastic reviews. Kimlinh plays the voice of Fidget, the small but spunky companion to the hero of the game, while Edward plays the voice of Ahrah, the spirit of a magical sword who helps guide the hero on a quest to save his world.

You can view a trailer for the game below:


I’m very proud of both Kimlinh and Edward for their wonderful work in this game and I’m happy the project has been such a success! When I decided to interview them, I felt that sharing their experiences as they begin their voice acting careers would be helpful and inspiring for you, my listeners, and I hope you enjoy their story.

Thanks for listening!

Download Voice Acting Mastery Episode #33 Here (MP3)


24 Responses to “VAM 033 | Interview with Kimlinh Tran and Edward Bosco, Part 1”

  1. Caitlin says:

    It was only the first part of Kimlinh and Edward’s interview and I’m already inspired by the way they got into voice acting. I really liked Edward’s outlook when it came to seeing the casting process. I’ve been thinking about the intern aspect of sitting in during a recording session and I was wondering if you knew of any studios that did that, off the top of your head anyway. I look forward to the next part and hearing more of their story.

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      So glad to hear you’re enjoying the interview! I love hearing Kimlinh’s and Edward’s stories. As you can tell, even I’m surprised by some of their adventures!

      The only studio I know of off the top of my head that offers internships is Bang Zoom in Burbank:

      The next time I’m over there I’ll ask them how they prefer interns to contact them, but I’m sure an e-mail or a call couldn’t hurt.

      I’m sure there are other studios that offer internships as well, I’m just unaware of them.

      Hope that helps!

      • Caitlin says:

        Thank you so much! I really appriciate it! I’ll check out the website too, thanks for the link. Your interviews are always filled with great advice from great people. Living in NJ doesn’t provide me with much for voice over, but that doesn’t stop me from looking.

    • Edward` says:

      Hello Caitlin,

      Thanks so much for listening to the first part of the interview. I really appreciate and I know Kimlinh does as well. There are a lot of studios that allow you to intern and eventually sit in on sessions, however that is a privilege that has to be earned. It’s a lot of work and often times it’s not the kind of work that pertains directly to your pursuits as a voice over talent. That being said, I loved every second of my time at Nick and I took joy in learning a whole new side of voice over./

      Nickelodeon, Warner Bros., Cartoon Network and many other studios offer wonderful internship programs for college credit and some are paid opportunities. Just know that they are highly competitive so you really need to be on the ball. Also, as actor, people in a casting office might frown upon that and it was something I had to be very careful about disclosing.

      To get more information, check out the websites for the various companies I mentioned and a host of others I have not. They typically hire before the fall, summer and spring seasons. Hope that answers your question and thanks again for listening.

      • Caitlin says:

        Thanks for listing all those studios and I’ll be sure to check out the websites. I know it has to be hard to get into the voice acting world. I don’t live remotely close to any of those studios since I’m only in NJ and actually just graduated from high school last year, but I will definately keep all this information in mind when I do finally move to CA.

        Congrats on getting to work on Dust An Elysian Tail, I’m going to check the game out now. Looking forward to hear the rest of your interview!

        • Edward says:

          Actually, depending on where in New Jersey, there are some studios in New York. Edge Studio is one that comes to mind. DuArt is where Pokemon is recorded. I don’t know if either uses interns since they are much smaller then the companies I listed before, but I interned at Bang Zoom which is a pretty small studio in its own right. It’s always worth a shot to investigate.

          Thank you for checking out the game as well. I really appreciate it and I know the rest of the cast and crew would say the same.

  2. Kalyn McCabe says:

    Wow… This was really eye opening. Edward’s internship story really put things into perspective. Maybe even frighteningly so. But that is FANTASTIC. I didn’t even know they offered internships! I’ll definitely have to look into that. Could prove to be valuable in the future.

    But both of them are fantastic voice actors, super glad they have the drive and passion to make it big in this industry. It’s really refreshing!

    Looking forward to more~!

    • Edward says:

      Thanks so much for listening Kalyn. I’m very pleased to see people gain something from the experiences Kimlinh and I have shared thus far. Internships were kind of my way to separate from the pack. Not a lot of people I knew ever considered it or talked about it as a viable option. That always confused me because I figured it was a great way to learn from the inside and build relationships with the people I eventually want to work with. It’s why I was so excited to do the interview with Kimlinh.

      I wanted to get people thinking about all the different ways to expose yourself and learn about the business. I’ve had others from my school follow my lead and intern at Nick and one of them even work there now. Nothing makes me happier then being able to help someone get one step closer to their dreams. Even if it’s just giving out information.

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      Glad you’re enjoying the interview. I love getting the insight of two young actors at the beginning of their career. I think it gives my listeners some ideas about what they can do to break into the industry.

  3. Eric Rivera says:

    Excellent. It’s good to hear that there are lots of opportunities to voice act all over the internet.

    Speaking of which, have you guys heard of the bronies? These are people who are fans of the cartoon show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, who are NOT little girls. For some reason, this show has inspired lots of people to take up the arts. Bronies are constantly creating fan animations, and I always see postings for voice actors for these projects on websites like Equestria Daily. I’m sure Kimlinh could be a pony. Edward too, probably.

    • Edward says:

      Actually I’m not a “brony” but Kimlinh is involved in the community. My friend Kira who goes by Rina-Chan is very much into the show and community. I have various other friends that have been in games, animations, etc. centering around My Little Ponies as well.

      I got a chance to see Tara Strong at an event yesterday and she talked about how no fan base she’s ever had has been as strong or supportive as the brony community. Even though it’s not my cup of tea, I think it’s wonderful that so many people have found joy in this show. It’s really an amazing and wonderful thing.

    • Kimlinh Tran says:

      Hiya! Thanks for listening~

      I voice Rarity in Mane6: Fighting is Magic, as a matter of fact, and then some! I often go by Hnilmik on the Internet end of things.

      The way I see it is that any place that serves as a creative outlet and needs voices is fair game to practice. Heck, I voiced in parodies (Team Four Star’s DBZ abridged, Antfish’s JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure abridged), machinima (Sanity Not Included, Smashtasm), and comic adaptations (Hiimdaisy [Persona 4] Comic Dub, VG Cats Adaptation With No Name). That said, I really like how the show inspired a whole community of creative people to make some really impressive projects, and a large variety of which too, as you’re more than likely aware~

      It’d be awesome to be an official, bona fide pony, but MLP: FiM is recorded in Canada and Tara Strong was able to voice in the show due to her dual citizenship. For now, my pony dreams are being fulfilled by the fandom~

  4. Angelican Marcos says:

    Hello Mr. Freeman been a long time since i haven’t made a question of your podcast. But I do have one that might not be related to this podcast and so far it’s great that your former students get to do these awesome video game characters you must really proud. But my question is would you voice act a character for a fan if they made a animation show would you? Just asking that question if it would be possible if you can do it.

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      I’m glad you’re enjoying the interview.

      Since I am a member of SAG/AFTRA I am supposed to abide by Rule One which is I can only work on union animation projects. If a fan’s project was done union, I’d be happy to work on it.

      • Angelican Marcos says:

        well that’s wonderful Oh in consideration of you saying about the union. Could it be possible if you made a podcast about union and nonunion anime voice acting? I would like to learn about that at some point when i ever become a voice actress someday. I also think you’d be perfect for my Alfred Little character in my Alfred in Wonderland animation if I ever get to it but I’m making a story of it first, the comic book(manga) second, the animation third, and if i ever get the chance to be successful on that project. I could make a video game for it too it’s going to be difficult but it’s worth trying right!? 🙂

  5. Angelican Marcos says:

    Oh and another thing i also want to know is how do you get along with the other voice actors/actresses? Do you get to know them later on or you get to know them sooner? Also do you communicate with each other well like do you relate with each other in conversation? That’s what I would like to know just to get to know them in the near future.

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      I get along fine with other voice actors and actresses. We’re a pretty down to earth group. Unfortunately, we rarely meet each other unless we’re working on an American TV animated show. Most other voice over work is recorded separately so we may only see each other in passing unless we schedule time to socialize.

      • Angelican Marcos says:

        That’s kind of sad not communicating with them once in awhile it gets boring by yourself with no one to talk to. Always finding it awkward alone outside of the booth. But don’t the voice actors/actresses you usually see sometimes go to the same conventions you go to?

        • Angelican Marcos says:

          But it’s also nice that you get to communicate with your voice acting friends. That sounds like fun i guess… 🙂

        • Crispin Freeman says:

          If you say so. I find that we voice actors communicate when we need to and when fortuitous circumstances present themselves. I almost never feel bored or lonely. We do sometimes see each other at conventions as well if we happen to be invited to the same conventions.

          • Angelican Marcos says:

            well that’s good actually if you don’t feel bored or lonely i guess it’s just me who feels bored. I never do feel lonely though… I was just wondering and it’s not exactly weird to talk to yourself sometimes it keeps oneself stable as well but that’s just me i guess… 🙂


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