VAM 015 | Interview with Jack Angel, Part 3

Welcome to episode 15 of the Voice Acting Mastery podcast with yours truly, Crispin Freeman!

As always, you can listen to the podcast using the player above, or download the mp3 using the link at the bottom of this blog post. The podcast is also available via the iTunes Store online. Just follow this link to view the podcast in iTunes:

In this episode, I conclude my very special interview with one of the great talents in the world of voice acting, Jack Angel. What I really love about talking with Jack is hearing his mindset and his philosophy about voice acting. It’s wonderfully inspirational and completely unconventional.

Jack also shares with me his advice for aspiring voice actors. I can honestly say that I never get tired of listening to Jack speak. His insights apply not only to voice acting, but to life in general. I think you’ll find it incredibly useful to listen to his interview over and over again. You’ll hear something new in it every time you do. I certainly do!

If you have any questions, please post your question as a comment to this blog post. Chances are, someone else has a similar question. By posting your question here on the blog, I get to communicate with all of you at once.

Thanks for listening!

Download Voice Acting Mastery Episode #15 Here (MP3)


20 Responses to “VAM 015 | Interview with Jack Angel, Part 3”

  1. Ryan Ashlight says:

    I had said before that I was really looking forward to hearing more of Jack’s mindset and personal feelings, and I must say I wasn’t disappointed in the least. While risking a hint of arrogance, I feel something of a kindred spirit in a man that, having listened to these past few weeks, I have an honest respect for now.

    His personal beliefs of just not giving a *bleep*, living to have the most fun you can – they all ring true with me as feelings that while I have had myself, they mean that much more coming from someone so far ahead of myself.

    No questions this time around, but a heartfelt appreciation for a splendid performance, one that speaks straight from the heart – and really, you can’t ask for anything more from an actor; something which I believe Jack Angel has lived to teach as the wonderful person he is.

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      Thank you! I know Jack has been following the podcast so I’m sure he appreciates your comments!

      • Ali Asif says:

        Hey Mr. Freeman. My name is Muhammad Ali Asif. I’m from Pakistan and I have an extensive background on voice acting starting from the great Mel Blanc himself to modern greats like Steve Blum, Yuri Lowenthal, John DiMaggio, Jim Cummings, Sean Connery and many more. I wanted to ask about how to get a job for voice overs. Is it necessary for me to live in Los Angeles as Steve Blum told me or can I just submit my clips online or something else? Anyways I have to get in the business to help support my family along with my additional skills of singing and somewhat creature vocals. It would be awesome and grateful if you could reply back and let me know on this. BTW love your role as Red Arrow and the Guardian in Young Justice. My little sister has the hearts for how you especially play Red Arrow. Also heard you on Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated, you showed some spectacular range there. Thanks hope to here from you soon.

        • Crispin Freeman says:

          Hi there Muhammed. Thanks for listening to the podcast! I was actually planning on addressing this question in my next podcast, but here’s a short answer to hold you over until then.

          While it has become possible to do voice over work no matter where you live, it is not possible to do certain types of voice over work from home, specifically animation and video game work. There are more and more people who are learning how to record themselves from home at a professional level and then market themselves as voice over performers for hire. The majority of the work available to them are things like industrial narration, phone trees, audiobooks and other types of voice over that is more narration based. It’s the kind of work where only one voice is required. However, in animation, video games, anime, and the like, many voice actors must come together to work on a show. Each voice actor must record on the same equipment in order to make sure the show sounds consistent. There’s just no way efficient way to coordinate that from a distance.

          If you want to work on animation, video games, anime, loop groups or any of the higher paying commercial, promo jobs, you will need to live in the city where that work is done so you can go to the studio where it’s being recorded. If you’d like to pursue narration, industrials, audiobooks, it is possible to do that in a home studio, but it requires that you be very diligent as a business person and that you market yourself extensively to pursue work.

          The choice is yours.

          I’m also glad you like my work on Young Justice and Scooby-Doo! Thank you!

          • Ali Asif says:

            Dear Mr. Freeman,

            Thank you for your great reply. Now I know that I have to be in LA to be a professional voice actor for animation, video games and stuff. I pray that one day and very soon I get to work by you, Steve Blum, Nolan North, Troy Baker, Jim Cummings and many of the other great people in the business. Until then, I will complete my Bachelors in Media Sciences and hope I get to transfer my credits for my Masters in LA.

          • Crispin Freeman says:

            Glad I could help! Best of luck to you!

  2. Kalyn McCabe says:

    I have come to love this man. He is so inspirational, has taught me so much in so little time, and spunky.

    I have changed my thoughts on auditioning now. I used to take it so personally. I’d get frustrated, say “Why not me?!” but now I understand.

    Can’t wait till next podcast!

  3. Martin Giroux says:

    What that man said is like a giant kick in the region that hurts!!! “Life is a game, if you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong” that has to be my favorite quote of all times!

    On another note, I was wondering when you will make a podcast about the archetypes, I know very well what I’m capable of (vilans, antiheroes and creatures/demons) but I can’t describe with… proper words what type of voice I have. So looking foward to that podcast! ^^

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      I will definitely make sure to put an archetype podcast in the queue! So glad you enjoyed Jack’s insights!

      • Jaden says:

        Thanks for that! I was hoping for one as well.

        Incidently, a friend ran across free voice evaluations from, but I researched them and it seems like something of a scam… or just poor quality training. A VO puppymill as someone put it.
        Kind of curious what your impression of them is.

        Personally, I like these lessons much better, you can’t beat free and with someone who you’ve actually heard of.

        Also, as I was researching them I ran across this interview with an agent focusing on what they look for in the audio they’re sent:

        And Jack’s following the podcast?!?
        Thanks to both of you for these episodes! It helped me alot to know i’m not the only one who’d never done any performing until after HS, and Jack’s perspectives were greatly enlightening!

        Looking forward to the next and I hope we still get to learn stuff from Jack (if he’s up to it). 😀

        • Crispin Freeman says:

          I’m not familiar with I did look at their website, but I did not ask for an evaluation of my voice. It looks like their evaluation is free, I don’t know what they offer after the evaluation and I’m not familiar with the guy in the video. I guess you could get a free evaluation and then tell us what your experience was like. Then I might be able to give you some better feedback.

          What a great article on Backstage about agents! Do you mind if I do a blog post about it? I’m familiar with all those agencies, except the one located in San Francisco. Notice how they all talk about acting ability first and foremost? Having a flexible voice is great, but if you can’t act, no one will entrust their animated character to you.

          Thanks for the links!

          • Jaden says:

            Go right ahead,

            I posted it here for the purpose of helping you implement stuff to help us with 😛

            And I think I will try out their evaluation, but i’m sure I won’t be signing up for anything they want me to pay for (they offer some ‘master class’ at about $4000 where you can make a demo with them “when they think you’re ready”, but I read someone said it was a really short lesson-time). Will post back how that goes.

            Thanks for how hard you work on this site and everything with your fans.

          • Crispin Freeman says:

            $4000 is not a small amount of money, especially when you’re just starting out. A truly professional demo probably costs between $1000-1500, at least it did when I made mine almost a decade ago now. Prices may have gone up. That leaves around $2500 for coaching fees. I wonder how many classes or coaching sessions you get for that $2500? I’d be curious to know what their syllabus is.

            I’m not saying they’re good or bad, I’m just curious what they’re offering for the $4000 package. Also, I imagine that you have to go to professional studio somewhere to record your demo. Most people’s home recording setup won’t cut it.

            Interesting questions. If you have answers to share, I’m all ears.

  4. Ryan Ashlight says:

    With respect to what Jaden said about this ‘master class’ and, I agree in that it sounds like a scam.

    Of course a professional opinion, from someone you trust and who credentials back it up, is always very helpful when deciding your demo. Ultimately however, I’ve believed that it’s up the VA to decide when he/she is ready. Leaving that call up to someone else doesn’t feel right with me at all.

    While we’re on the subject. Crispin, do you have any plans for a podcast on what to watch out for in the VO world, such as potentially misleading VO websites, fake agents, etc?

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      That’s an interesting idea for a podcast: “What to Watch Out For”. However, it’s not really my place to be a clearing house for what is and is not a bona fide voice over opportunity. I don’t have time to do that. Plus, it’s not really my place to say what is and is not fraudulent. I’m not the police. Besides, I’d rather spend my time sharing my knowledge with all of you than chasing down possible crooks online. It is up to you to do your own due diligence and to trust your feelings when deciding to work with someone as a voice acting coach.

      I will most certainly do a podcast on agents in the future, you can count on that.

      • Ryan Ashlight says:

        An understandable opinion, I believe. By that same token, each one of us will simply have to work that much harder to sharpen our minds and keep our eyes open. That is what it means to be a professional, does it not?

        Of course, I’m very much looking forward to your podcast on agents. One of the more ambiguous aspects of the VO world I’d like to learn a lot more about.

  5. Rico Gayle says:

    Thank you So much for providing these podcasts. When I finally realized that being a voice actor is what I wanted to do and was meant to do, I had no Idea where to start. After stumbling upon this goldmine of information which you’ve provided, I cannot express my gratitude enough. I love both the Wes Davis and Jack Angel interviews. Their insight was very eye opening. I look forward to the character archetype podcast, and many more.

  6. Angelican Marcos says:

    These comments of questions and answers are somewhat helpful but i did like the podcast it’s also a little funny but i also can’t wait for the other podcast like archetype one that they said in comments i hope you keep making more podcast in the near future thank you 🙂

  7. Paul Moran says:

    Jacks philosophy has completely changed my point of view, it was like a window opened and fresh air came in! It’s not rejection, we showed up, we did our work and they just chose someone else, it’s no fault of the actor! This is fkn gold, I love it


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