VAM 009 | Building Confidence

Welcome to the ninth episode of the Voice Acting Mastery podcast with yours truly, Crispin Freeman!

As always, you can listen to the podcast using the player above, or download the mp3 using the link at the bottom of this blog post. The podcast is also available via the iTunes Store online. Just follow this link to view the podcast in iTunes:

In this episode, I address an issue that’s come up a lot here on the Voice Acting Mastery Blog. In fact, it’s one of the most common questions I get from aspiring voice actors:

What can I do to be more confident?

It’s an important topic and one that I felt deserved an in-depth answer. I do my best to outline the actions any person takes to try and bolster one’s confidence. However, I also reveal the important mental shift that must take place for any of those actions to have a truly lasting effect. I also tell the story of what I went through when I was trying to find my confidence as a young actor. I think you’ll find it enlightening.

If you have any questions, please post your question as a comment to this blog post. Chances are, someone else has a similar question. By posting your question here on the blog, I get to communicate with all of you at once.

Thanks for listening!

Download Voice Acting Mastery Episode #9 HereΒ (MP3)


67 Responses to “VAM 009 | Building Confidence”

  1. Christine says:

    Hearing this has honestly inspired me in LIFE more than in anything else. Thank you.

  2. Angelican Marcos says:

    Mr. Freeman this was a fantastic podcast that you made. I was fascinated by it and you are very correct. I mean I am terrified by everything in my life that throws at me being critize, punished by my irresponsiblities, and fear of things that do not quite exist. To me I don’t care if I made mistakes sooner or later I will get better. And if anybody makes fun of me or critize me I do not care well that I’m already doing. And I hope thay you do more of these podcasts they are very great and helpful thank you. [p.s. In this podcast you sounded melancholy but I know you are not like that sometimes right?] πŸ™‚

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      I’m glad you enjoyed the podcast. I wasn’t feeling terribly melancholy while I was doing it, but I understand why it may have sounded like that.

  3. Angelican Marcos says:

    Sorry I spelled CRITICIZE wrong didn’t I. I’m very sorry Mr. Freeman but I am sure you were to correct me sooner or later as well. I never reread my sentences as much as I used to back then heh can’t blame a woman for trying right I guess? πŸ™‚

  4. Angelican Marcos says:

    And the word THAT too I misspelled sorry πŸ™‚

  5. Brandon Eddy says:

    When I’m up in front of people performing in front of my class I get nervous, but not so much at the fact that I’m afraid of being in front of them, but that I might screw up or it might not good enough, however, even if i fail I will always come back for more, and try again. I have never missed any of my acting classes or performances, I’m always prepared, My sense of being hungry or being driven overcomes my fear.

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      Preparation is a great way to overcome nerves. The more you practice, the more experience you amass, the more confident you become. Good for you!

    • Ryan Ashlight says:

      “Even if I fail I will always come back for more and try again”.

      Awesome saying, Brandon.

      I know that whenever I make a mistake or slip up, I’ve just gotta grit my teeth and get back in there and try again. Failure is never something meant for you to give up, only to learn and get even better.

  6. Meg says:

    Hi Crispin,
    I’m really enjoying your podcast so far and this episode is the great inspire for me πŸ™‚ Truth is that I am very shy and quiet girl as well. I do have a hard time deal with issues after I was one of the victims from bullying because my appearance and akwardness. But, I’m still stepping up to get my confidence as I can. Thank you so much for made this podcast

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      I’m glad you enjoyed it!

      • Meg says:

        No problem πŸ™‚ Before I heard this podcast, I always having trouble to think about ‘why people feel so confidence’? Now I realize that I have to use positive energy and attitude so I don’t have to be a failure of everything, especially for my art projects. Thanks again

  7. Kalyn McCabe says:

    Very inspiring podcast, Mr. Crispin. The fear of failing is always an opinion people aren’t very comfortable with. Improv is littered with it. I certainy had my brush with failure. Wasn’t fun.

    But I’m still alive, and I have friends that support me in my decisions. I love them to death.

    Anyway, the advice is certainly taken to heart, Mr. Crispin. Can’t wait till your next podcast as always!

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      Failure is never fun, but it’s very educational. We tend to learn more from our failures than our successes. Glad you enjoyed the podcast!

  8. Maurice Cooper says:

    This is an amazing episode. After hearing it, I’m ready to take on my UCSC and American Musical and Dramatic Academy entry auditions. Thanks Crispin, I finally found the confidence I’ve been looking for.

  9. Terance says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed this episode Mr. Freeman. I especially liked how you talked about how people fear social death more than physical death. Very thought provoking stuff. Keep up the excellent work; these podcasts are one of the first things I looked forward to hearing every Wednesday.

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      Yeah, that social death thing is rarely talked about, and yet it’s a palpable fear that most people feel. Glad I could share that with you.

    • Ryan Ashlight says:

      It’s very interesting how people fear a social death more than actual death, isn’t it?

      When you think about it though, it’s something most people are exposed to throughout most of their lives – seeing pop stars, celebrities, sometimes even their own friends and family experience it – and it can be so overwhelming just to have to watch it, the thought of it happening to you is just unbearable.

      When you think of it like that, it’s really amazing how actors can just stand in front of so many people and give breathtaking performances.

  10. Corrine says:

    Thank you so much for doing these podcasts. This episode is very helpful. Preforming in a play makes me nervous but I am not afraid of it as much as I was before. It is doing monolouges and speeches in class that scare me. I feel a little bit better about doing it after listening to this episode, but I definitely still have a long ways to go before I can be confident about it. Thanks again!

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      You’re very welcome! If you’re comfortable on stage in a play, it’s only a matter of time before you become comfortable doing monologues or speaking in public. Best of luck to you!

  11. Clarence Cross says:

    Thank the lorrrrrd for this episode! I have my first play coming up in mid november and I was feeling so nervous. After hearing this podcast I feel like im on top of the world. I finally realize that they’re just people, its not like they are going to kill me if I mess up. I was mostly worried about using a totally different voice for the play that sounded like a 40 year old majestic knight, ( keep in mind that im a black 16 year old and my real voice sounds like a 12 year old). My theater cast/team had never heard it and I was nervous to hear their opinion when we were doing a table read. When I did it, I only manage to say 2 words before I heard, “wow” “oh my god that’s awesome”. That really lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. But I still was nervous about the audience. Now that I have listen to your podcast, I now have not a single nervous bone in my body. Thank you crispin freeman, for helping me overcome that fear.

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      I’m so glad you enjoyed it so much! Congrats on figuring out a voice that worked for the character! Well done! Break a leg in your show!

  12. Charles Ziese says:

    Interesting so far, yet I wonder,on behalf of a friend of mine, is it generally a good idea to use darker memories to enhance the acting in an emotional scene? (like for example, when “you” rescued Chii from Yoshiyuki in Chobits)

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      Every actor has their own acting technique. If you like to use sense memory to make a scene feel believable and it works for you, that’s great. Whatever helps you give a good performance. As Duke Ellington once said, “If it sounds good, it is good.”

  13. Angelican Marcos says:

    Hi Mr. Freeman again i’m going to do poetry for my Coffee House audition on November 2, 2011 for art club in High School and with this podcast I will be confident to do my best on that audition all thanks to you I feel free as a bird in the clouds

  14. Angelican Marcos says:

    Hello Mr. Freeman I tried out and I was confident and nervous at the same time but at least I tried the sad that 20 people were auditioning and they needed 12 but at least I had fun and tried my best though but you help me alot but i’ll get better sort of [short giggle] πŸ™‚

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      Congrats! I’m glad you had a good experience. That’s far more important than the outcome of one audition. There will be many more. The more often you approach them with a light heart, the greater your chances of booking the gig!

      • Angelican Marcos says:

        Thank you Mr. Freeman of your caring appreciation and humble appeal but I will try my best to get the and I will see to it that I get to be confident continue with your voice acting work and this podcast because the many people who wants to be a voice actor/actress will see that this podcast will be the best of help from your drives and plus your my #1 favorite voice actor since I was little girl to this year and you will always be my favorite can’t wait to see you in person someday
        Angel Marcos πŸ™‚

  15. Charles "Castlevania II world record holder" Ziese says:

    I have another confidence question that involves variety, lets say someone is used to light-hearted and goofy series to act in, but then hypothetically speaking after one scene that is Bobobo goofy, but then the character that was having fun and laughing goes is in a very dark change of mood in their next appearance, similar to how in Key The Metal Idol, if something came up, Key would have an incredible change of personality, yet the actor has trouble adapting to the mood swings due to a personal recollection that has haunted them for a while, what to do? Or for the summed up question, an actor has real problems with a character they voice when the character has an unexpected change in personality, what is your suggestion?

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      There’s no simple answer to your question, except maybe the obvious: Practice Acting.

      If you’re asking how to get better at doing quick changes in emotions when portraying a character, there is no secret other than to practice acting.

      If you’re asking how to play a character that makes you feel personally uncomfortable in some way, you can either choose not to play that character or you could practice acting.

      There is no “trick” to acting. Just like there is no “trick” to playing an instrument. You have to practice. Acting is a craft that is developed by practicing it over and over again.

      Your best bet is to try portraying those types of characters either on your own or in other people’s acting projects. Best of luck.

  16. Jaden says:


    I’ve never even thought about it like that before, thank you!

    See, I was really stuck on the idea that I wasn’t an actor (at least, not yet). Or even very outgoing. I’ve no formal training, feel awkward around people and generally just keep to myself until I get comfortable. Even those Keirsey personality things from psychology class back in high school told me that’s who I was. (β€œYou are destined to a lifetime awkwardness~!”) I was aware that other people usually feel just as uncomfortable, but that thought only seemed to offer a bit of comfort, yet no real constructive help. I’ve always wished I were outgoing and courageous enough to speak in front of others and do things and be seen. I watched other people do it for years and wished it were me. Wished that maybe I could be capable of that. Recently, (and when I say ‘recently’ I mean for the last handful of years), I’ve tried breaking out of that mold, but something always sort of held me back. I realize, thanks to this, that it was that I have still been thinking of myself as an introverted person struggling to be all extroverted. Like trying to transform into someone else. I didn’t think that it could just be that I’ve always been an extroverted person (why else would I want to become that so badly if I weren’t?) who just needs some practice actually extroverting (is that really a verb? It is now).

    The most powerful point (for me, at least) was when you described how your view of your identity changed. Thank you for that! It was really enlightening! πŸ˜€

    I also liked how you said you had to believe in yourself first. It made me think a little on how much I believe in myself. Do I? I think I do, especially more now that I realize I can be considered an actor (even if in my own mind for the time being). I feel like this is something I can work towards now. I no longer have to figure out how to be outgoing and showy as a person before I can even think about trying to act.

    However, I’d say the only thing that still brings me pause in regards to the whole voice acting thing is wanting to stay realistic. How much will classes cost? Are bills going to get paid? Will I even make enough to survive off of when I’m out of classes? (That was a big one when I talked to my mom about it at age 12. I was supposed to be interested in β€œreal jobs”, stuff that would keep a roof over my head, so I discarded the small hope I had of pursuing it.)

    The short version is that I ended up feeling sort of discouraged and ended up simply admiring those in the biz from a distance, usually by watching anime and trying to guess which VA it was that I was hearing. But now my passion to become involved has been rekindled! I’m an adult now and it’s come to my attention that pretty much EVERYBODY can’t seem to make enough to live as comfortably as they’d like. So I may as damn well do something I like. Returning to the point; I’ve mentioned my interest in taking this seriously to my BFFs and one of them is so stuck on staying realistic that it’s somewhat stifling. I get sort of uncomfortable bringing it up to her (because she really does give fantastic advice), but sometimes she just makes me feel discouraged all over again. Did you ever have to deal with someone like that? Where they were supposed to be a main support, but you felt like you just had to keep quiet about your plans/dreams? How would you approach this issue?

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      I’m so glad you enjoyed the episode. I do my best to give my listeners podcasts that will give them greater insight and perspective.

      Being realistic is fine. Fortune favors the bold, but disaster strikes the foolhardy. There’s no reason to “jump ship” so to speak in order to become a voice actor. You can practice your craft and develop your skills without quitting your job or moving to another city. Then later, you can decide how much of your time and effort you want to direct towards pursuing a voice acting career. I worked in theater in NY for many years and did voice acting on the side before I took the plunge and moved to LA to jump into the business with both feet. You need to trust your instincts about any career decision you make. Don’t rush into anything if it doesn’t feel right.

      As far as listening to other people’s opinions… don’t. They have the best of intentions, but they aren’t you. It’s fine to ask experts “how” to do things, but only you can decide “what” will truly make you happy. If you spend too much time listening to the opinions of others, you won’t be able to hear the little voice inside of you telling you whether or not you should continue or change direction. So just don’t tell them what you’re up to. Allow them to be surprised and amazed once your voice acting career starts accelerating. It’s not like you’re going to be doing anything crazy like selling all your possessions and joining the circus! Give yourself the freedom to explore voice acting without a lot of other people’s criticism coloring your ability to discover whether it truly speaks to you or not. You have to at least try it, otherwise you’ll always wonder, “What if?” If after a couple of classes you realize it’s not your cup of tea, no harm, no foul. But you may discover that voice acting excites you in ways nothing else has. In that case, follow that inspiration. Inspired people are the most successful whatever their chosen profession might be.

      Best of luck to you.

  17. Kimberly says:


    Thanks so much for this episode! Like someone above me said I think the advise that you gave can apply to anything that we want to do in life and I know that it has inspired me because my lack of confidence was my biggest fear and you answered all the questions that I had and now I know that I can do anything I set my mind to and that includes becoming a voice actress. So thank you! Thank you so much! YOU ROCK!!


  18. Kelly says:

    Crispin Freeman, Thank you so much for all of this. I truly mean it.

    Now i’ve known my passion for acting since jr high. I have acted before, actually i’ve been in a few things. Just some school plays and a jr. play script testing. I am still acting in my high school and i am 16 years old. Personally I am very shy and akward like you were. I am not outgoing and always keep to myself. I usually stay home and watch anime a lot, as well as play video games and stuff. Thats why this connected to me so well, because I would have never guessed that one of my favorite voice actors was just like me as a kid too.

    I love to act, but my situation is VERY similar to the previous commenter Jaden. He says,
    (I ended up feeling sort of discouraged and ended up simply admiring those in the biz from a distance, usually by watching anime and trying to guess which VA it was that I was hearing.)

    As anyone who knows me can say, ALL i do is try to listen and find out Who VOICED who. I would always get a smile on my face and feel great when i find out this guys did this guy too! Now i never understood why i did this ever, i just kept telling people it was like a hobby. It’s not, because you made me realize that i do this, because i truly want to be a voice actor.

    This is going to sound a bit contradicting, but i was never really afraid of being on stage. I was afraid of Messing up while on stage. I could be on stage and love it, but making sure i NEVER make a mistake is what hurt me as well. now im sure everyone does this, but it feels deeper to me. Because of you i figured out why… I didnt believe in myself.
    People always tell me im a natural and that i am a great actor. they tell me that i am serious and that i should be an actor, and believe me i want to be one. but… I was never able to believe in myself no matter what. i am very hard on myself, even when others really like me. I am my own critic. And imagining how others REALLY thought of me made it much worse.

    The way you brought my true feelings to my attention made me realize i need to try hard to TRULY believe in myself

    Again THANK YOU so much. This helped me so much understand myself more. I want to tell a story to the people, I want to entertain and be an actor. Oh wait I AM an actor, and a good one πŸ™‚

    Wow im sure u just skimmed this, i went overboard on the explaining…

    Well it’s funny cuz ummm i dont really have a question. I just wanted to let u know how i felt on how you did this for me and others. What truly inspired me to become more intrested in voice acting as an actual business was finding that even a busy actor has the time and passion to help others and make amazing clear podcasts for people like me to hear for free πŸ™‚

    also i love you as kyon πŸ™‚

    • Kelly says:

      oh right i actually have 2 more things to say

      1) Out of curiosity who voices the lady who introduces you?
      2) congradulations on getting the role of the narrarator for your first movie!
      “The Pirates! Band of Misfits” (other than the dissapearance of haruhi suzumiya of course) btw thats my fave role of you. TMOHS is my favorite anime ever πŸ™‚

      • Crispin Freeman says:

        My intro is done by my good friend Jennifer Taylor Lawrence. We met years ago when we were presenting awards at the Annies. We’ve stayed in touch ever since and she was gracious enough to give me some intro voice over. Doesn’t she sound classy?

        As far as the narration job, that is a misprint. I never worked on that film. I don’t know why that was listed on my IMDB resume, but that’s part of the problem with IMDB, they’re often wrong and there’s no way for me to correct them. It’s kind of infuriating.

        But thanks anyway!

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      Wow! What an amazing comment! Thank you so much for sharing your story. I too always had a very strong internal critic: that voice in your head that constantly tells you that you’re not good enough. I’m glad to hear that you’re learning to ignore him and get on with doing what you enjoy doing. And I love how you’re articulating everything now in the positive! That’s fantastic!

      So glad I could help! All the best!

      • Kelly says:

        Thanks Crispin that means alot! I think it’s cool that you answer questions as well. After seeing “adventures in voice acting” i was sure that the busy schedual would conflict with something like. πŸ™‚

        btw sorry about the Pirate thing lol
        I guess i should’nt assume everything on the web are right. (other than u), but it says it on your wikipedia page too. I’ll change that πŸ™‚

  19. Tom says:

    Sorry to post late, just came across this. I thought this podcast was just excellent! Great posts, here too. I’m an older musician (instrumentalist) who’s never had confidence enough to sing. Though I’ve always wanted to! While my pitch and tone are actually OK, I lack confidence. It’s held me back a great deal in my career, especially as a songwriter. My question/comment is: What do you do when the greatest critic is not the audience, but yourself? Honestly, I believe you answer this quite well by saying “be the actor” or, in my case, “be the singer.” Anyway, great stuff. I’m sure you are a great help to young aspiring actors (and singers?) out there.

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      So glad you’re enjoying the podcast!

      The greatest critic is always yourself, not the audience. Yo-Yo Ma has said that if he misses a day of practice, he notices. If he misses two days of practice, the critics notice. If he misses three days of practice, the audience notices. You are always the greatest critic of your own work.

      The way to get over it is to realize that it it’s never done, which means you’re always growing and learning and getting better. Isn’t that fantastic? Spending your life constantly growing and improving? That’s much better than reaching a static state of accomplishment and just rinsing and repeating. Identify yourself as the singer and enjoy a singer’s life. Every accomplished singer will tell you: singing is not about hitting every note correctly, it’s about being able to recover quickly if you miss a note. It’s about course correction, not about perfection.

  20. Gaby Velazquez says:

    Hi Crispin!

    I love your podcast and thank you so much for doing this! I have always had a love and passion for drawing and I love creating my own characters, giving them personalities, background stories, or making comics. Your seminars have been helpful with what type of characters and storytelling I want to put in my stories. Besides my love for animation and comics, I have also for years been interested in voice acting and admire every voice actor including you who work hard to make a series successful. I sometimes like to give my characters voices and act out some stuff not only alone but with my friends and family watching. I have been looked down upon and told that I will never be successful in the entertainment industry even being told that I suck! I sometimes took the harsh comments and it made me feel not only sad or upset but less confidant about what I want to do. Luckily I have those around me esp. my mother who encouraged me to not let others tell me what I can or can’t do, be positive, and do what I love which regains my confidence. I was even given great constructive criticism on how to get better on my drawings or acting and it helped! I remember reading a quote somewhere on the internet that says “If you’re not passionate about whatever it is you do, you shouldn’t be doing it.”

    I plan on taking some acting classes and hopefully take some of your voice acting workshops. At my community college in the spring semester, I enrolled in a public speaking class and a radio and television class. I was wondering can this not only help me with becoming a better presenter or speaker but also overcome my nerves and shyness and make me much more confident?

    Thank you so much and may you have a happy new year! Look forward to attending more of your anime mythology seminars! I also hope to work with you if I ever make my own cartoons!


    • Crispin Freeman says:

      I’m so glad you’re enjoying the podcast.

      I think public speaking classes and radio and TV classes are a great idea. The more chances you can get to stand up in front of people and become more comfortable, the better!

      Best of luck to you!

  21. Chris Thom says:

    Thank you. I was going back and listening older ‘casts & listened to this which directly addressed what I’m currently struggling with. Thank you.

    BTW, I look forward to meeting you @ Voice2012.

  22. Jim Ryan says:

    Excellent episode! It’s funny, I grew up somewhat in the world of opera as well because my father was a conductor. I actually had a similar offer as a kid (I think they were doing The Sound of Music at the time) but I foolishly turned it down. I didn’t realize how awesome acting was until high school.

    It’s true, though – I’m finding that the most important factor in getting anything in the entertainment industry done is confidence. Since everything you encounter is new and different, most of the tasks you’re presented with can sound really difficult or far-fetched. The only way to see it through is to just approach it with the assumption that it will work. And, strangely enough, more often than not – it does! πŸ™‚

    Thanks very much for doing this podcast. It’s been VERY helpful.

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      I’m glad you enjoyed the podcast!

      Yes, confidence is the key in the entertainment industry. So much is unquantifiable when it comes to creating film, an artist’s confidence is reassuring to all involved.

  23. Spencer says:

    After listening to this I became curious about something. I tend to analyze all aspects of a certain job field, a couple of which are competition and demand. Which leads me to my question: How competitive is the field of voice acting and is it in high demand?

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      In comparison to what? To past voice acting trends? I’m not sure how to answer your question. How competitive is film acting and is it in high demand? I’m not sure how to answer that question either.

      While your question makes sense in terms of traditional industries that ebb and flow depending on technological innovations and population demands, when it comes to the field of entertainment, it is harder to apply those metrics. How would you apply that question to popular music? Is making pop music competitive and is it in high demand?

      One does not become a voice actor because there is a rising need for voice actors, just as one does not start a band because pop music is in high demand. One becomes a voice actor because one is inspired to work in the field. If you are not inspired to start a voice acting business, you can never analyze yourself into success no matter how high the demand for voice actors might be.

  24. Bryana Zurad says:

    I’ve always been intrigued by voice acting and always had a major interest in it but, confidence and fear have always stopped me from pursuing it. I also don’t really see myself as having a special voice in particular but, is that key or is being versatile with your voice just as important? I also feel intimidated by other famous voice actors I have a difficulty separating myself from them and the idea that they have had years of experience over me who has trouble even practicing alone to herself when no one is even around. And I feel because I didn’t start out at a young age I won’t succeed. It’s all very frustrating and although this really helped me and put things in perspective I still feel held back by those things. I’m naturally an artistic person and the thought of having this career makes me ecstatic. I’m a huge fan of anime and games in particular Hellsing is actually one of my top animes ^_^ Which after listening to your podcasts and how you became successful makes me even more inspired. And you’re going to be at otakon this year? Will you be doing the how to become a voice actor panel by any chance? Either way I look forward to meeting you thank you so much for doing these podcasts that I’ve just came across and had no idea about XD

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      As I have said and as Juan Carlos Bagnell has said, the quality of your voice isn’t nearly as important as your acting abilities and your skill at casting yourself.

      I understand your fears. Many others have had those same fears. When your desire to achieve your dreams outweighs your fears of abstract concepts like “being intimidated” or “lack of confidence”, you will do what it takes to figure out how to voice act competitively.

      Yes, I will be a guest of Otakon this year. While I will be doing one of my Animation Mythology presentations (see: for more info) I am not currently scheduled to do my voice acting panel. Of course, I’m happy to talk about voice acting in any of my Q&A panels. I’m sure I’ll see you at Otakon.

      Take care.

  25. Brendan says:

    Hey Crispin.

    I’m loving the podcasts. About building confidence and seeing yourself as a voice actor, can that work in any pursuit? For instance, I have a passion for food and cooking, but in general I feel that I lack confidence and although I see myself as a Chef, I still find myself lacking confidence with pretty much everything. This doesn’t really pertain to voice acting, but I hope you can give me some insight.

    On the podcasts. I’m having a hard time getting into the culinary industry so I’m looking at getting started with voice acting as more a “stop gap” in order to pave the way into culinary, and I find the podcasts insightful and really helpful. I’m not sitting with a pen and paper making notes, I’m just listening to them over and over; you know the theme song for Gilligan’s Isle? Did you ever sit and decide you’re going to learn the song? Not likely, but by watching the show over and over you just know the song. Same principle.

    Best regards, Crispin!

    • Crispin Freeman says:

      Of course! You can apply the wisdom of this episode to any pursuit, not just voice acting.

      However, I don’t believe voice acting is a “stop gap” career choice. Those who pursue voice acting do it because they are passionate about it, not because it’s something they can do that’s easy while they prepare for something else. Voice Acting is very competitive. If you’re not truly fascinated by it, you won’t do what it takes to be able to work with the professionals.

      Hope that helps.

      • Brendan says:

        I understand.

        I don’t know that I have a passion for it, or whether it’s even possible to get into voice acting here in South Africa. That’s why it’s more of a “stop gap”; if I can get a job as a radio personality or something with the help of your podcasts and classes I can open the door to culinary.

        The alternative is that when I start doing what it takes to get into voice acting, maybe I find an alternate career.

        Gordon Ramsay’s first passion was football, but now he’s the world’s best chef…

        Do you know of any way I can get started here in South Africa?

        • Crispin Freeman says:

          We obviously are not using the term “stop gap” in the same way.

          Merriam Webster’s dictionary defines “stop gap” as “something that serves as a temporary expedient : makeshift”

          Getting into voice acting is not a “makeshift” endeavor. If you’re trying to do it on the way to something else, you’ll have a very hard time making any progress. Voice acting is very competitive. There are people who dedicate their lives to it. I’m not saying you have to give up everything in order to pursue voice acting, but it’s not something to be picked up casually. You need to actually be fascinated with it if you want to have any success.

          I’m not sure why becoming a radio personality will help you become a chef. I don’t quite follow the logic there.

          Both Tezuka and Michael Crichton graduated as medical doctors and went on to become writers, but it wasn’t because they were doctors, it was because they had always had a passion for writing and the medical pursuits were to satisfy other people’s expectations of who they should be. Why waste that time? If you want to be a chef, go be a chef. If you want to be a voice actor, be a voice actor. If you want to do both, do both. Just be honest about what it is you’re trying to accomplish.

          I don’t live and have never worked in South Africa so I have no knowledge of any voice acting opportunities that are there locally, but in episodes 10 and 16 I talk about what the possibilities are for pursuing voice acting online. I think they will help.

          • Brendan says:

            Thanks again Crispin!

            Voice acting does fascinate me, and I would like to get into it, but I’m not sure how; I don’t have a lot of money so I can’t get the recording equipment nor do I have any form of voice training at all, but it’s still something I’d like to do.

            Becoming a radio personality might help fund a chef course, but I find myself in two minds about everything lately. I need focus. I think I do want to do both as you said, but again, it comes down to, “how do I get started when I don’t have money, qualifications or the money to get qualifications and equipment?”

            As for what I expect to get out of Voice Acting Master, I’m not entirely sure. Obviously I’ll get the tips and advice in how to become a great voice actor, but does that really mean much when I don’t know how to get started in earnest?

            If possible I’d like to speak at length about this, can it be arranged? In any case I’ll continue to follow the podcasts as they’ve been very helpful to me already.

          • Crispin Freeman says:

            Becoming a talented actor is the prime requisite for becoming a voice actor. Technology is secondary.

            If you want to get started in earnest, you need to listen in earnest to episode 10 of the podcast, How to Practice Voice Acting Anywhere. Have you listened to that episode?

  26. Brendan says:

    Listened to the podcast again, and ready to make life happen. Helped me make up my mind now.

    Thanks a million Crispin! Maybe in a few years you’ll be hearing my name more often πŸ˜€

  27. Chasity Conner says:

    Hi Mr. Freeman,

    I listened to your podcast today and it really helped me in my confidence level. I tend to notice that when I act in plays I get nervous and very timid around others but once I am on stage I get into character and forget my timid personality and have fun making the audience laugh. I want to improve my confidence and you really helped me realize that today. So I plan to be more social and open so I don’t have to worry about hiding in my shell around others. Thank you.

  28. Kenneth Allen says:

    i’m well aware this is an old video but i finally decided recently that i want to be a Voice actor and i have little experience but listening to your podcasts one by one is making me feel like i’ve found my true calling and hearing this podcast specifically made me realise that fear of failure is common and i’m sure i will fail a few times along the way but i don’t care i want to learn and grow and be a Voice Actor.
    Thank you Mr. Freeman, i mean that

    • It’s never too late to start listening to Voice Acting Mastery! I myself only discovered Crispin’s podcast a few years ago, well after he started it. Glad you’re enjoying it!


  1. VAM 108 | How to Overcome Anxiety and Fear as a Voice Actor | Voice Acting Mastery: Become a Master Voice Actor in the World of Voice Over - […] overcome their feelings of anxiety. I actually did my best to address this question way back in episode 9…

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