VAM 022 | 5 Essential Steps for Voice Acting Beginners

Welcome to episode 22 of the Voice Acting Mastery podcast with yours truly, Crispin Freeman!

As always, you can listen to the podcast using the player above, or download the mp3 using the link at the bottom of this blog post. The podcast is also available via the iTunes Store online. Just follow this link to view the podcast in iTunes:

In this episode, I want to talk about 5 Essential Steps any Beginner should take when approaching Voice Acting. I get inquiries from many people who are brand new to the idea of voice acting and would like to pursue it professionally. Often, they would like a clear recipe on how to become a working voice actor. The irony of this, of course, is that there is no one recipe for becoming a voice actor.

While there may not be a linear recipe to follow, there are certain abilities or criteria that I find common among the most successful professional voice actors. These are concrete things you can work on in order to improve the likelihood that you will be able to take advantage of voice acting opportunities. Any beginner, (and even some veterans), will benefit from focusing on these steps. I’ve narrowed them down to 5 Essentials:

  1. You must become an actor.
  2. You must learn how to use your voice as an instrument.
  3. You must discover your character types.
  4. You must become capable of and comfortable with recording yourself at a professional level.
  5. You must be confident.

I explore each of these topics in depth in the podcast itself. While these essentials may seem obvious, you must truly understand and internalize these ideas if you want to become a successful professional voice actor. A superficial understanding is not enough. I encourage you to listen to the podcast thoroughly!

I hope you enjoy it!

Download Voice Acting Mastery Episode #22 Here (MP3)


VAM 018 | Which City Is the Best for Voice Acting? Part 2 – Are You Ready?

Welcome to episode 18 of the Voice Acting Mastery podcast with yours truly, Crispin Freeman!

As always, you can listen to the podcast using the player above, or download the mp3 using the link at the bottom of this blog post. The podcast is also available via the iTunes Store online. Just follow this link to view the podcast in iTunes:

In this episode, I continue my discussion about a common question that I get at conventions and events outside of Los Angeles:

“What city should I move to in order to pursue voice acting?”

In the last episode, I discussed 5 cities I’m aware of that have thriving voice acting communities. Since then, listeners have commented on my blog and told me about additional cities that also have large voice acting communities. I really appreciate everyone’s insights and suggestions! If you’re curious about what city you should be in to pursue voice acting, I suggest you check out the discussion in the comments section of the blog post for episode 17.

In this episode I explain how to assess yourself before moving to a new city. There are 3 questions you should ask yourself:

  1. How do you know if you’re artistically ready to move to a new city to pursue voice acting?
  2. How do you know if you’re financially ready to move to a new city to pursue voice acting?
  3. How do you know if you’re psychologically ready to move to a new city to pursue voice acting?

It is important to answer these 3 questions as honestly as possible. In the podcast, I tackle each of these subjects in depth. I hope you enjoy it.

Thanks for listening!

Download Voice Acting Mastery Episode #18 Here (MP3)


What Do VO Agents Listen For In A Demo?

One of my listeners, Jaden, was generous enough to share a link with me to a fantastic article on! It’s called:

Ask an Agent: What Do You Listen for in an Audio Reel?

There are some wonderful agents represented in this article including:

  • Cathey Lizzio from CESD
  • Stephanie Blume from Imperium-7
  • Cynthia McLean from Sutton, Barth & Vennari
  • John Erlendson from JE Talent

Each one of the agents explains what they’re listening for when they receive demos from prospective voice talent. Remember, these are the people who have to decide whether or not they’d like to represent someone based almost completely on 60 seconds or less of hearing their voice acting. Each one of them approaches demo submissions differently.

However, there is one similar pattern that emerges from all of them:

They all want to hear solid acting.

Acting ability is the key to an animation performer’s success in traditional animation and gaming, now more than ever before. – Cathey Lizzio

When I cast on animation projects, I look for acting ability, comedic/dramatic timing, and an interesting vocal quality. – Stephanie Blume

Overall, we expect competitive talent to display in an audio reel strong acting, comedic timing, a wide range of vocal and performance ability, and the ability to make a character walk off the page into life. – Cynthia McLean

Like anything else, we listen for acting. – John Erlendson

Developing your acting skills is the single most effective thing you can do to elevate your chances of succeeding in voice acting. It’s more important than vocal range, your age, or your recording equipment. You must be able to act believably and competitively in order to be considered to play characters. This is something I stress extensively in my podcast, especially in Episode 10: How to Practice Voice Acting Anywhere and in my special report The Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid in Voice Acting. You should check them out!

Hopefully this article gives you some insight into the minds of agents. I certainly found it enlightening! Best of luck to you in your voice acting endeavors!

VAM 015 | Interview with Jack Angel, Part 3

Welcome to episode 15 of the Voice Acting Mastery podcast with yours truly, Crispin Freeman!

As always, you can listen to the podcast using the player above, or download the mp3 using the link at the bottom of this blog post. The podcast is also available via the iTunes Store online. Just follow this link to view the podcast in iTunes:

In this episode, I conclude my very special interview with one of the great talents in the world of voice acting, Jack Angel. What I really love about talking with Jack is hearing his mindset and his philosophy about voice acting. It’s wonderfully inspirational and completely unconventional.

Jack also shares with me his advice for aspiring voice actors. I can honestly say that I never get tired of listening to Jack speak. His insights apply not only to voice acting, but to life in general. I think you’ll find it incredibly useful to listen to his interview over and over again. You’ll hear something new in it every time you do. I certainly do!

If you have any questions, please post your question as a comment to this blog post. Chances are, someone else has a similar question. By posting your question here on the blog, I get to communicate with all of you at once.

Thanks for listening!

Download Voice Acting Mastery Episode #15 Here (MP3)


VAM 014 | Interview with Jack Angel, Part 2

Welcome to episode 14 of the Voice Acting Mastery podcast with yours truly, Crispin Freeman!

As always, you can listen to the podcast using the player above, or download the mp3 using the link at the bottom of this blog post. The podcast is also available via the iTunes Store online. Just follow this link to view the podcast in iTunes:

In this episode, I continue my very special interview with one of the great talents in the world of voice acting, Jack Angel.

As we heard in the last episode, Jack’s journey towards the world of voice over has been very unconventional! He started out wanting to be a cartoonist. When that didn’t pan out, he joined the army where he discovered his love of performing. After returning from the Korean war, he became a radio DJ.

In this episode, Jack shares with us how he made the transition from radio DJ to voice actor in cartoons. It was a sort of homecoming for him. He had always wanted to work on animation, but he thought his contribution would be as an illustrator. Little did he know that he would be giving voice to some of the best loved characters in cartoons!

Jack was actually fired from his job in radio, but that didn’t deter him! After being let go from the radio station, Jack redoubled his efforts and broke in to the world of voice acting for cartoons. What’s even more impressive is the mindset that he developed when facing the challenges that arise when pursuing a voice over career. The attitude he has towards voice acting is one of the most insightful and uplifting I’ve ever heard. I hope you enjoy it!

If you have any questions, please post your question as a comment to this blog post. Chances are, someone else has a similar question. By posting your question here on the blog, I get to communicate with all of you at once.

Thanks for listening!

Download Voice Acting Mastery Episode #14 Here (MP3)


VAM 013 | Interview with Jack Angel, Part 1

Welcome to episode 13 of the Voice Acting Mastery podcast with yours truly, Crispin Freeman!

As always, you can listen to the podcast using the player above, or download the mp3 using the link at the bottom of this blog post. The podcast is also available via the iTunes Store online. Just follow this link to view the podcast in iTunes:

The holidays are approaching fast! As an end of the year treat, I thought I’d share with you a very special interview I did with one of the great talents in the world of voice acting, Jack Angel.

Jack started his voice acting career back in the 1970’s working on some of the most iconic animated shows of all time. Including

  • Superfriends where he played Hawkman, Super Samurai and The Flash
  • Voltron where he played the evil King Zarkon
  • G.I. Joe where he voiced Wet Suit
  • The Original Transformers where he played Ramjet, Astrotrain, Smokescreen and Omega Supreme.

While most voice actors developed their skills by going to acting school and working in the theater, Jack has an incredibly unique and unconventional path into the world of voice acting, from cartooning, to joining the army to becoming a DJ. I think you’ll find his journey incredibly inspiring and enlightening! I hope you enjoy it!

If you have any questions, please post your question as a comment to this blog post. Chances are, someone else has a similar question. By posting your question here on the blog, I get to communicate with all of you at once.

Thanks for listening!

Download Voice Acting Mastery Episode #13 Here (MP3)