VAM 212 | Interview with Nancy Linari, Part 1

Welcome to episode 212 of the Voice Acting Mastery podcast with yours truly, Crispin Freeman!

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Welcome to the first part of my interview with an actress who has performed in almost every type of acting there is, from theater, to commercials, to on-camera, to voice acting, to performance capture. She also has a habit of booking important roles in different areas of acting the first time she ever auditions for jobs in those areas! I’m talking about a consummate professional, Nancy Linari!

While Nancy has an extensive resume in theater, commercials, and on camera work, you may be most familiar with her work as Aunt May in the Sony Playstation series of Spider-Man games from 2018 and 2023. She’s also played Aunt May in the Disney XD Spider-Man animated series! But her voice over roles go back much farther than that! One of her biggest roles early in her voice acting career was Morticia in the Addams Family animated series by Hanna-Barbera, which was produced in the early 1990s. Nancy has worked on numerous animated shows since then such as Animaniacs, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Ben 10. In addition to the Spider-Man games, she’s played Medusa in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, the Lady of Blood in Legends of Runeterra, and the dragon Icewind in Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance, where I had the pleasure of playing Drizzt Du’orden. However, the first time I became aware of Nancy was when she and I both starred in the anime series Pokemon Horizons where she plays Diana, the grandmother of the main character Liko, and I play Friede, the leader of the Rising Volt Tacklers.

Nancy and I actually met while volunteering at our actor’s union, SAG-AFTRA. We both serve on committees at the union helping to negotiate fair wages and working conditions for our fellow actors. When I discovered that we were both working on Pokemon Horizons, I was eager to hear Nancy’s work on the series, and I was even more curious when she told me it was her first time ever dubbing anime! When I was finally able to listen to her performance, I was very impressed with how well she did! I had to know how someone who was so established in her career wasn’t just resting on her laurels, only doing what she was familiar with, but was curious enough to step outside her comfort zone to work on projects that posed new and interesting acting challenges. When I found out that the first performance capture job she ever auditioned for and booked was Aunt May in the Sony Spider-Man games, I knew I had to have her on the podcast!

In this episode, I begin our conversation by asking Nancy how she got started as a voice actor. It turns out that she and I are both originally from Chicago, so we had fun reminiscing about our Chi-town experiences during this interview! Nancy explains that her family always valued wit and the ability to be funny. In addition, her aunt was a professional opera singer, so the ability to perform was very important when Nancy was growing up. She was encouraged by one of her high school teachers to pursue acting, and then she went to college and majored in drama and speech. After college, she returned to Chicago where she began auditioning and booking roles at theme parks, in theater, and in commercials.

One of the shows she was in was successful enough that it toured the country, with one of the stops being in Los Angeles. This allowed her to make some connections with people in the entertainment industry in LA. While she did end up going back to Chicago after the run of her show was over, the idea of moving to LA really stuck with her. Eventually she and her partner decided to make the move and see if they could succeed there. It was slow going at first, but Nancy was able to book a role in a musical that was being directed by Gordon Hunt. Gordon was not only a director for theater, but he also worked as a voice director at Hanna-Barbera. My podcast listeners may remember that my previous guest, Amanda Wyatt, trained under Gordon when she was first getting her start as a voice director for video games.

Gordon liked Nancy’s work and started having her audition for the animated shows that he was working on. Nancy booked some small parts, but her breakout role was Morticia in the Addams family. More animation work followed, as well as video game work, a field that was brand new to Nancy when she first started auditioning for games in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s. As new acting opportunities arose, like performance capture, Nancy became fascinated with them as well. She’s a self-proclaimed “class junkie” and would often attend workshops where she could learn about these new fields of entertainment. Her ability to absorb new information and adapt quickly to different performance environments is a testament to her dependable acting skills. There is so much wisdom in the story of how Nancy has developed and applied her craft and I’m so glad I get to share it with you!

Download Voice Acting Mastery Episode #212 Here (MP3)